Wednesday, February 21, 2007

HEALING - DAY 19 - 022107

Walking... walking... and an occasional walk up the stairs. Today, when I walked with Robbi, I kept pace with her. This is the gain for today! Previously, my pace has been slower and she had to keep backing off to let me catch up.
Why is today different from all other days? Because today I just kept walking and didn't worry about the little things, like "only 2 driveways left before I'm able to sit down." it's really cool to be feel better every day.

That said, we all have to remember that "better" means that I getting back to where I was before the procedure.

Thinking of Arden, who is at Johns Hopkins for an assessment.
Devona... Dominic... Wendy... Nancy... Jane... all of whom are moving into treatment or through healing.

Remembering my care team in Waterville, ME... you are all in my thoughts all the time.


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