Friday, February 09, 2007


For all you skeptics who think I was lying on a beach in Hawaii, or awaiting the opening of Spring Training in Florida (more likely), here is the first eyewitness account from Waterville, Maine.
OK, so it is written by my big sister Ilene; but anyone who knows her can vouch for this - she can't lie - even if she were reading a script in a play, and it was her character's role!!! Asking her to "tell the truth" has the same affect as truth serum. And you don't even have to ask politely.

Ilene came to see me during my last week of hospitalization, and a couple of days back at the hotel. This and excerpt from her email to friends and family, sent when she returned to Maryland:

"First, David has survived the most dangerous part of this process, and
he was checked out of the hospital yesterday ­ weeks sooner than we¹d expected!"

"I'm back from ME. I was there for 5 days and witnessed a wonderful
turnaround for David. Last Wednesday, Robbi called to tell me that
David was having a very bad time. It turns out that he'd been taken
off one of his regular meds and, on top of everything else his body
was going through, he was experiencing some symptoms of withdrawal (particularly, agitation).
He didn't want anyone around (including nurses, doctors, and Robbi).
She warned me that I might not be able to visit with him when I
arrived on Friday. There was no doubt that I had to be there, but I
was prepared to wait at the hotel until David wanted company."

"After flight delays, I finally arrived in Waterville (about 20 minutes
north of Augusta) at 5:30 p.m. David was feeling much better by
Friday evening and wanted me to come to his room. I had to shower and change my clothes at
the hotel before going to the hospital. I couldn't touch him; so, we
exchanged virtual hugs and "air kisses". It was great to be there.
On Saturday, David welcomed our nephew, Matthew, and his wife, Devin,
and on Monday, he enjoyed a visit from my daughter, Joyce, our friend,
Jenny, and my grandsons, Jen & Kels. Proper precautions were taken,
of course ­ cleansed hands, masks, and gowns ­ to protect David from contact with germs.
It¹s really amazing how these visits from loved ones brought so much
positive, healing energy into the room."

I'd love to read and post other interpretations of my treatment and recovery. Come on and get them in to me while they are fresh in your mind.
Send them to:


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