Monday, February 19, 2007

HEALING - DAY 18 - 022007

I've been hearing from many of you - that I need to keep posting messages so that ya'll know that I'm still up and kicking. To all of you in western Washington - HEY! Thanks for asking about me!!!

The process is very slow... hence, my writing every couple of days. It's like watching a wound scab-over. As a matter of fact, with scleroderma, that's often a very lengthy process. I have a cut on a finger that hasn't healed completely in more than 6 months. These days I have to watch it to be sure that it doesn't open and get infected. Hand washing and antibacterial creme are constant activities.

Saturday I drove my car, for the first time in more than a month! The last time was with Jayme - on that day when we snuck into town from ME. It's a liberating feeling to drive. I went real slow, which created a mini traffic slow down and pissed off 10-20 people. Friends and family are surprised to hear that I'm driving. Think about it - all I'm doing is sitting and moving my foot on the pedals and my hands on the wheel. It's less physical that doing a load of laundry... OH, by the way, I've been doing the laundry this week too.

I've been walking out to the mailbox. Today I actually brought a letter with me and raised the flag!

I will make a strong effort to do these updates more consistently.

Good nite............... David


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