Sunday, January 21, 2007

Personal Medical Manager GAME BALLS

Say What You Mean,
Mean What You Say,
Don't Say It Mean.

When you apply this premise to personal health care, you become a Personal Health Care Member (at this moment I proclaim the rights to this term!). Many of you have heard me use this term for years, now.
When Robbi and I began the quest to gain understanding of Scleroderma and the health industry, we already had personal traits that led us to question, probe, and assert our influence on the outcomes we desired.
This Roll Call is intended to make sure that many names (whether previously mentioned or not) get a moment in the blog for a GAME BALL.
Some mentioned in this Roll Call are self-managed professionals who set standards for this level of performance, and others may have learned the critical team values from this first time experience - and seemed to "get it" the first time.

GAME BALLS are forever - but your participation on a Personal Medical Team is to be earned by every action you think about and take, on behalf of a Personal Medical Manager. (The members of my Personal Medical Management Team {this is mine too} know who they are, and may or may not be on this list today...


BLOOD BANK/LAB - @ MGH - Sharon, Barbara, Judy and Laura - They owned my cells right up to when they delivered them into my body! They Researched, developed and implemented the whole procedure (from scratch) for MGH. IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!

RED CROSS (Philly) - Betsey - Not only did she step up (when UMASS Admin declined to participate), but has since setup a long term arrangement that will benefit future SCT at MGH.

Cert. NA's - Kristina, Nilda, Misty - for the new bed, and answering my Service Bell!

Nurses - Laura, Kim, Kristi, Monica, Helen, Jody, Sue

The Ultimate apheresis Operators:
CINDY! (waves at me daily), Amy, Tania, Heather

Terrie - our clinical educator - You and your staff get 4.0 from me! (I'm sure you grade on a tougher scale)

NURSES, NUTRITION, HOUSEKEEPING, BLOOD TECHS - from all over MGH - Those of you who have worked more hours in other areas, so my assigned team can remained focused on this new and intensely intrigue process.
Some of you stepped aside because you may have been exposed to someone with a cold - so co-workers from other areas had to be called upon and quickly & indoctrinated (by Me as well!).

MGH Nutritionist - Dan - (I love my cookies) - my weight is stable

Attending Physicians - Dr. Marrache {Van Halen CD (though, not on my list of best guitar solos)}, Dr. Benzinger

HAMPTON INN STAFF - Dave Doucette (Mgr) - still caring for Robbi with 5-STAR Quality

Patti & Sterling - installed my lines (they are working PERFECTLY!)

MGH Admin - Troy, Barbara, Sherri, Marti, Dirk (I love my room), Pastor Joyce

JCAHO Joint Commission - Hospital Accreditation group that standardizes life affirming programing, such as the the trial that we are conducting here.

MGH IT Dept - Dan - "My Brother" - Thank you, for being able to speak to the world.

Housekeeping - Mary, (who clean every day like it's a "discharge" and are not intimidated by constant page-calls.

Lab Techs - you all had to learn what NOT to do around me (MGH's new quality levels) and still sucked my blood without missing a drop.

Patrick - UPS Manager (who let Debbie in the door after closing - to get my stem cells on the flight to Philadelphia for processing). Talk about being a Play-Maker. The clock was running on the limited hours that they could remain viable!!!!!!!!!! (else everything for tha last week was wasted - including the money).

UMASS - Ann Marie (an angel)

MY Sclero Bros & Sisters - Marilyn, Jane, Devona, Amy, Domenic, Richard, Paul

Dr. Ann - My Mad Scientist
Dr. Hertler - you are cool
Debbie (The Boss)

John Mac - my best friend, of 37 years - who will never read this because he has recently become nearly totally blind. The diseases that attacked his eyes will someday be overcome by SCT technology.

All of our Sclero CareGivers, Fundraisers and Donors!!!!!


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