Saturday, January 20, 2007

DAY 25 - 012007a - Patient Updates

Sorry for the delays (it's actually Sunday now).... I was not not comfortable enough to work on the blog. I wasn't sick. Didn't sleep well until I took the Ambien (I'm nominated as poster child).
{I have to remember to relate my dream/story at a later time - It is either movie script quality... or not}

There are a lot of questions about what I'm feeling physically, today, and what is expected over the next few days:

012007 -
I am running a low fever today. My norm is 97.4, today I've been running 99.4 - 100.4. Not to worry. It explains why I was feeling more introspective and focused on discomforts. Of course, from that I wrote out the battlefield replenishment plans - (my Dad smiles when I draw on military references).

Questions for Dr. Ann, during rounds:

- - - - - - What is expected next?

My body is going through 2 distinct processes at the same time.

a) The chemo of the last week is systematically removing my existing immune system.

b) My body is being prepared by Dr. Ann, with prophylactic therapy and tonite, I will receive a shot of Neulasta. This is the stuff that stimulates rapid growth of white blood cells. This process will slowly escalate over the next 8-10 days. These are the new white cells that begin the new immune system. I will be a regime of antibodies now. This is to minimize my exposure to mild infections.

c) Other participants with this protocol have received platelet transfusions. It is possible for that I will but the indications have not presented yet. Not a big deal from what I hear...

That's it for yesterday.... except that I was all set to watch "All The kings Men" & "Munich", but realized that this laptop does not have a DVD decoder package in it. That the drawback of using borrowed equipment. As It turned out, I wasn't in much of a mood for a movie... I still had to finish my assignments for today's games: I'll not disclose my bed, table and IV coverage plans; but I think the post game commentary will include allot of "David was dead-on, on that idea....", and "Does that David ever SHUT-UP?!?!" (answer - no).


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