Wednesday, January 17, 2007

DAY 22 - 011707a

I've decided that there is so much info piling up and ideas from the readers that I am going to try to multi-post.... I might try to focus on 1 or 2 topics at a time. But the ADD may take us all on a roller coaster ride at any time - so hang on.

Hey look at me. Robbi says I can't walk and chew gum at the same time, and here I am writing, calling, taken care of clients and growing a new immune system - all within the confines of my hospital room.

Over the next week I'll be UP and DOWN, so my postings will be eratic...

Dr. Ann gave me more of the game plan this morning:
1) Today is the last of the Cytoxan (chemo), at 5pm.
2) Tomorrow is the big dose of CAMPATH which is the stuff that cleans out the remainder of my immune system. My stem cells will be flown in from Philly.
3) Friday is T-DAY 0
At 8am my room will be filled with doctors, nurses, technicians, 7 frozen bags of my stem cells, a thawing bath, Robbi and me.
It is typical to refer to this day as the recipient's Birthday - HOWEVER - I already have the best birthday I could ever want --- July 28th --- the same day as our Emily. I'm not giving it up!!!
I will be sedated during the process, which takes only about an hour. The side-affects are not going to be pleasant... I'll spare you all the details until I have the actuals. (Think GhostBusters slime).

Right now, I've just got the last chemo and I'm feeling fuzzy. More so than previously. I may sign off for tonite.................................


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