Sunday, January 28, 2007

DAY 33 - Flashback - 012607

Yes this was the day of "Earthrising".

It was also the day my big sister, Ilene, came to see me. For all the phone calls, and blog updates, you see that the message of our journey doesn't quite translate into words the way it does face-to-face.
The difference between what they expect to see and what I actually look and act like - is different.

Ilene's jaw didn't drop open. But, the it makes an impact when at the hotel - she had to shower and change clothes, to shed all that may be picked up along her travels. Then she arrives at the hospital and has to put on a gown and gloves.

She stepped into the air-lock space, and learned the pre-wash and timing procedures and then entered the room.

I could see her heart ache to hold her baby brother... (I'm still that cute).

So much to talk about.... Me, Robbi and Me, The Kids and Me, and then what Ilene thinks of ME...

Oh, and we have confirmation that there is an airport in August, ME


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I have been worried about you. I hope you get out early. So exactly how many weeks have you had to stay in the hospital? Hard to keep up with on this end. I sent the money and contract off so I am now just waiting for a date. They should call this week. I am ready. My respect and admiration grows for you and Robbi with every passing day. Stay strong!
Thinking of you both,
Your friends the Texas Ladies

Mon Jan 29, 04:36:00 PM EST  

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