Thursday, January 11, 2007

DAY 16 - 011107

Robbi hasn't written an Update in 2 days. She is focused on Jayme, me and getting her own health back to normal. Some issues with our RX insurance, regarding the limits on her migraine meds. Why is it surprising to them that she may experience a greater incidence and intensity of headaches while she is fully involved as my caregiver through a life-threatening procedure?

We skipped yesterday because nothing much happened all day, until I went to get my lines checked in the late afternoon.

I am not one to attack the insurance industry. I have a clear sense of the business of health care. That does not mean that the rules can not be / should not be challenged. This is one such rule.

As the day progressed, my coughing increased. Now, this is not the cold. I think we beat that out of me. This cough is sclero-related. It's a dry non-productive cough that just gets more persistent. It takes a toll on my energy and really works hard on the abdominal muscles. By the time I got to the hospital, the nurse was concerned that the risk to my overall health could become too high if we didn't intervene. She ordered up some does of medicine, including cough meds w/ codeine. I have these meds already but had stopped taking them when the cold was under control. The lesson we learned - I have to use low-moderate med doses to stay atop of this cough so that I can conserve my strength. In a few days I am to be admitted for the BIG ONE and I need to be as strong as I can.

Once I got the meds, my cough dissipated over the next hour.

Last nite it was Applebee's take out and I ate the most for 1 sitting since coming to Maine. We settled in for: News, Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, and Everyone Loves Raymond. We watch these, not because we like any of them (although Jeopardy is a favorite). We watch them because they are "white noise". We all get to work the computers, read and knit without missing anything.

Then Jayme found The God-Father! He and I watched it. Robbi's cold is really settling in. She took some cold meds and went down for the count. She awoke several times and I saw her reading at 6am.

Today, was a very quiet day. Robbi and Jay went out for a while. I cleaned and sanitized the humidifier. Low appetite. Jayme and I have been busy playing with a gift from Cindy P. & Family (friends from Westborough). Texas-Hold'em electronic game. we won the tourney on the first try. It took us several hours... then we found it hard to get past the first couple of rounds.

I've been helping a couple of clients and my friend Skip has thus far jumped in to assist some that needed face-2-face care. Thanks to all of you, for continuing to trust me.

Tonite - we watch some more TV and hope to rest up. Robbi really needs a good nite sleep! It's 7pm now and we're all settling in.

Love to all - David


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