Today was chemo day. David will be at the hospital until tomorrow late afternoon or Sat morning. He’s doing great. Everyone at the hospital is in love with him and they are so sweet to us. I have a big basket of candy in the room for everyone to eat when they come in. I want to buy them all presents! J
Our doctor, Ann Traynor invited us to her house tomorrow night for a party she’s having anticipating we would be on time and released tomorrow afternoon. But we got a late start with the chemo and they fell 5 hours behind so instead of being released tomorrow afternoon it looks like it will be Sat morning. We would have loved to have been there. We would have known everyone there! It’s our whole staff. They were all excited that we were coming and we were too.
The nurses are telling us to expect that David will not feel well this weekend from today’s procedure so we won’t be snow boarding as planned.
[Geek Update from David: The reason for the delay is very interesting.
Since this is the first time MaineGeneral (MGH) is using this protocol, they need to complete processes that they’ve never done before. For instance, they had to draft and sign a contract with a local lab so that specific blood tests could be completed.
I feel so special…]
[Patient Update: Once it all began, it went like this…
Great staff! Even as they work with a process they’ve never done, they are professional, inquisitive, and honest. We are all in this together.
Dr. Traynor (here-after referred to as Ann)
Big dose of chemo, precluded by a drug that helps to minimize (or avoid!) the damage that the chemo can do to my bladder. After the chemo it’s 20 hrs of saline solution to wash me out. I’m in bed for the whole thing, although I can get up to take care of bodily functions. All day and nite I have a ritual that includes walking my IV tree around. I’m up and about and using my laptop. I wasn’t online during this stay, but I will be when I check in for the transplant.
So much of the day I was meeting people who are involved. Some are medical staff, and some are administrative. We all know we are apart of something very important.I didn’t sleep at all this nite. No pain – just could not fall asleep.]
That’s it for now. I’m taking advantage of not having to get up early tomorrow morning. I told the nurses I leave David in there hands.