Sunday, March 04, 2007


FRANCISO is in Maine now.
The treatment protocol that he is going through is different from the one I had. He isn't getting the stem cell transplant YET! Hopefully, the treatment he is getting now will prepare him for a stem cell transplant, in about 5-6 months.
Currently, he is using supplimental oxygen 24x7. His lung performance is too low for him to get the transplant just yet.

He has recevied Cytoxan, Campath & Neulasta - the trio of drugs that I received. A few days ago he had a fever that ran 102+! After that was cleared up he developed fluid in his lungs, and that condition is currently being treated with heavy antibiotics. The situation seems to be under control.

Although he was supposed to go home to NJ, this weekend, Dr. Traynor held him over for a few days.

Here is to you, Franciso!

And Game Balls to your son, Dominic and your wife.

Friday, March 02, 2007

HEALING - DAY 30 - 030407

Sometimes I just don't have the time & energy to sit and write out the events of a day... or even that last couple of days. This is especially true when I'm having a tougher time maintaining my energy level. Sometimes it is because I am so busy using all my time to get things completed that by the end of the day I'm too exhausted to sit and compose a posting.

Then there are days like Wednesday. It was a bad day, and I have no idea how it happened - it just did. I awoke feeling less rested than usual. When I got up, I could tell that my tolerance for exercise was going to be less than usual as well. I was able to do things but had to rest afterward. I went out in the car to take care of some errands but was not motivated to exercise or walk the neighborhood.

My tolerance for exercise has lessened. I assume that this is just one of those "1 step back" moments before I continue to progress.

Friday nite I went to sleep at 6:00pm and got out of bed to start the day at 8:00am Saturday. I felt more motivated, but tolerance for exeercise is still lower than before.

It's Sunday at 8:15am and I'm about to get up and get things done....
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